We have published our 2025/2026 business plan for consultation with BSC Parties setting out activities we will deliver in April 2025 – March 2026, supporting progress to Clean Power 2030 and Net Zero.
The budget covers all of our work areas for managing Balancing and Settlement Code services, and continuing investment in our major programmes. These include the Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Programme, our Helix Programme (to develop BSC systems to support half-hourly settlement) and delivery for our data and digitalisation objectives.
See the business plan in full
Webinar about the business plan
We held a webinar for BSC Parties about the 2025/25 business plan on 14 January 2025.
See the recording below
Slides presented at the business plan webinar
How Parties will benefit from our investment
Our core duty remains unchanged as we will continue to deliver excellent, accurate Settlement services to Parties. The investment we are making in our systems will deliver benefits for BSC Parties which include faster Settlement, and visibility of half hourly consumption data, which will help companies to develop new products and services.
New roles we will be delivering in 2025/26
The budget also covers costs for new roles we are taking on in 2025/26, which include the market facilitator for distributed flexibility, the operation of the Data Integration Platform messaging service, and provision of half hourly data through the smart meter data repository that we have built on our Kinnect platform.
Proposed budget of £118.9m in 2025/26
We are proposing a budget of £118.9m for 2025/26 compared with the £119.0m budget for 2024/25. The budget of £118.9m is a significant increase on our previously expected cost projection for 2025/26 of £88.6m, in the 2024/25 plan.
The main driver for the increase is the costs associated with moving the date of Milestone 10 of the MHHS Programme (and subsequent milestones), from March 2025 to September 2025. We have also planned for additional resources needed for the integration of half hourly settlement into Elexon. Next year (2025/26) includes part of the period of cutover, migration of meters to MHHS and dual-running of old and new Settlement processes.
£3.8m of efficiency savings
We have made cost and efficiency savings of £3.8m, which are reflected in the 2025/26 budget. They relate to the decommissioning of legacy systems, and savings resulting from the ending of the Radio Teleswitch Service (due in June 2025).
We will look to set challenging financial and efficiency targets for the business, which ensure that we continue to deliver the best possible value for money to the industry.
Feedback on the plan
BSC Parties can provide feedback on the plan by contacting [email protected] before close of business on 31 January 2025.
We will present your feedback to Elexon’s Board in March 2025. The Board will make the final decision on whether to approve the plan and Elexon’s budget, and we will publish the final version at the end of March 2025.