Elexon’s response to Ofgem’s directions on Elexon as Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement implementation manager

Ofgem consulted on a proposed direction to be issued to Elexon in its role as Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) Implementation Manager. The proposed direction set our new requirements to report on the progress of MHHS implementation and the management of MHHS testing cohorts.

The consultation closed on 30 January 2025.

Elexon responded as the Implementation Manager (IM) and as a participant. Our response as participant is provided on this page. Our response as IM is published on the MHHS Programme website – a link to that document is provided below.

A summary of our response as participant

Elexon is committed to the delivery of the MHHS programme and fully supports Ofgem’s proposals to introduce additional reporting. We understand how these measures can help to draw more frequent attention to progress and emerging issues so they may be managed sooner than later. We will work with Ofgem to help finalise these reporting requirements and will be ready to begin reporting once they come into force.

In summary, our participant response covered the following points:

  • We recommend a schedule of end of April and end of July 2025 for the two M10 Checkpoint Reports (the M10 milestone signifies the readiness of central systems for migrating Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPANs) to the new settlement arrangements).
  • We also recommend being given the opportunity to review the modelling on the predicted MPAN migration rate and including settlement performance metrics in the Post M10 migration reporting.
  • We highlighted some practical issues in delivering the MHHS Qualification Fortnightly Reporting and provide a suggested approach to address these.

Read our participant response in full

Read our response as Implementation Manager

More about Ofgem’s consultation

Contact Information

Communications Team
[email protected]


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