At Elexon we are driven by our desire to provide good service to our customers – an ethos that is encompassed in all that we do, and the way in which we deliver our ‘end-to-end’ service, from market entrance to exit.

We engage with our customer in a number of ways:

Read on to discover how we reach out to our customers and ways in which you can get involved in improving our services.

Listening to our customers

Voice of Customer’ Champions

Our company-wide Customer Experience function exists to listen to and act as the ‘Voice of Customer‘.

With the help of ‘Voice of Customer’ Champions across all areas of our business, we ask for views on our services, identify other sources of insight, draw out ideas for change, and where viable implement improvements. We use surveys, user groups, metrics and other feedback mechanisms to obtain customer input.

Operational Support Managers

We also have dedicated customer service colleagues such as the BSC Operational Support Managers, who work with their customers to resolve issues, manage Settlement performance and engage with the BSC change process.


You are always free to send in feedback to our Communications Team as we would always value your suggestions and comments.

Complaints policy

If you need to submit a complaint about any aspect of Elexon or the services we deliver we have a complaints handling policy that will ensure your comments are received and resolved as quickly as possible.

Customer surveys

Each year we commission an independent customer survey to understand people’s views on our performance. The survey aims to measure customer satisfaction in the following areas:

  • quality of service
  • giving you access to experts
  • the reliability of our service
  •  the speed of our service
  • being adaptable
  • keeping costs to a minimum

Latest survey

The latest customer survey was conducted in August 2023. From the information we obtain we are able to identify where our services are being valued by our customers and what potential areas we can improve. An overview of the survey results are published on this website when they are available.

Sharing expertise

Elexon publications

Elexon publishes Policy Views on a range of topical issues to stimulate debate and collaborate on joint papers with other industry experts.


Elexon Board meetingWe provide training courses and events on key areas of electricity industry participation, many of which are now available online to ensure our customers have access to resources as and when they need them.

Working with user groups

We have a number of user groups that we activate as and when development work starts in selected content areas.

Each user group is able to get involved in the early decision processes for the project activity, influence the priorities of the development work, and have early sight of the enhancements.

The best way we can develop our services so that they meet your needs is to ensure that you have the opportunity to feed into the development work so join a user group to get involved.

List of user groups